VISN 15 - Facility Condition Assessment, 9 VA stations, 238 buildings in Kansas, Missouri and Illinois

This project, a task order from the Central Region IDIQ that involved a Facility Condition Assessment (FCA) at nine VA hospital campuses in three states: Missouri, Kansas and Illinois covered almost 238 buildings and over 5.5 million sf.


This FCA experience facilitates a broad overview and understanding of the current state of facilities in VISN 15. The purpose of an FCA is to assess the current condition of major building components and systems, identify work that needs to be done to correct any deficiencies, assign a level of urgency to each condition found and provide a budget estimate in today dollars to rectify any problems. Each item receives a grade from A to F indicating the severity of the problems. Items with a D to F rating from all VISN stations are compiled into a summary with costs that form the basis for the VA budget request to Congress. FCA risk factors (1 through 5) are also assigned to assist the VA in categorizing the degree of the deficiency, allowing the VA to identify the most critical issues. Life Safety items are always assigned the highest priority.


The process is to first review drawings, specifications and reports on the existing building followed by a full team meeting with VA staff engineers and managers as well as by on-site review and inspections. Once all the field data was collected, L2e prepares a database for each site and building detailing conditions and submit this to the VA Central Region office for review and comment. 

As separate projects under the IDIQ, L2e's design team provided A/E services for FCA’s in VISN 11 and VISN 16.